Wednesday 19 August 2015

Teen Book Review: Uncertain Soldier by Karen Bass

Amazon Summary:

Seventeen-year-old Erich is a prisoner of war working at a northern Alberta logging camp. Twelve-year-old Max goes to school—reluctantly—in the nearby town. The two would be unlikely friends, except that neither has anyone else to turn to. At the height of World War II, nobody wants to befriend a German. It doesn’t matter that Erich was forced into the military by his father, or that Max was proudly born in Canada. They are both easy targets for the locals’ grief and anger against the Nazis.

The other prisoners are no more welcoming, distrustful of Erich’s perfect English and his dislike for Nazism. Still, when a series of accidents shake the logging camp, they pressure Erich to question the Canadians and find the saboteur—even if his questions get him into trouble. Caught between angry prisoners and suspicious captors, Erich is afraid to take any action at all. It is only when Max’s schoolyard tormentors cross a dangerous line that Erich realizes that his real loyalties lie not with a regime or a country, but with his friend.

Teen Review:

Uncertain Soldier by Karen Bass is an exciting story that gives insight to what it was like in a Canadian prisoner of war camp during World War 2 as shown from a local boy and a German prisoner’s point of view. Daily struggles and conflicted viewpoints are shown from both prisoners and civilians, accurately portraying people from either side of the war.

I really enjoyed this book. There are some books I’ve read that have fulfilled the saying “I can’t put this book down”, and this was definitely one of them. The storyline constantly progressed, and it was entertaining. The story was easy to follow and I got a sense for the characters as I read because there was the switching viewpoint. It was realistic too, events in the book did or could’ve happened.

I found the characters relatable too, I could understand where they were coming from with their actions and feelings. It was also nice how it shows that not all the Germans were evil, some were just fighting for their country or forced to fight. I would recommend this especially to those who likes mystery stories or World War 2, but to anyone since it was a good book.

Ian (Teen Reviewer)

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