BET Minutes
Upcoming programs: (Remember, NO BET meeting in DECEMBER)
- We will be decorating a Christmas tree in the teen department, making ornaments, etc… Hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies will be provided. Please send Lindsey an email if you wish to participate.
- Volunteers: Kassandra Neubrand, Betty Zhang, Cassandra C.
- Theme: Christmas Special Gift Making!
- This will be the opportunity to make multiple gifts: Christmas cards or tags, tree ornaments, porcelain pens, heat shrinking ornaments, decorate mugs, bottle-cap necklaces, decorating a jewelry box, stickers, etc…
- Registration is required; if you wish to bring a friend, please let Lindsey know in advance.
- Used to have a lot of people in this program but many teens have since graduated! Let’s decide together what the themes for each months program should be and each of you is encouraged to bring a friend!
- Ideas for theme: Christmas Themed Fandom trivia, Fandom jeopardy, youtubers.
- Ideas for theme (January): Videogames (Mario Smash Bros on Wii U or Wii)
- Party Time for all teen volunteers at the library, gift/goodies and treats will be provided
- Originally there aren’t many people signed up for the program, many of the grade 12’s are too busy to participate, at least 10 people must be registered for the program to run.
- Anyone coming?: Abby L, Mavis C, Cassandra C., Kassandra N, Konnor H, Ashley A (?), other possible people in a list that Kassandra N has made (please check with her for more people)
- Ideas/themes: date your favorite fandom characters, play games, etc…
- Will need to set up committee to brainstorm and setup Lock-in
- Decided to do a super cheesy Valentine’s Day party
- Contest to increase participation in teen programs. All BET members will earn points when they bring a friend to a program that hasn’t been to that specific program before. Winner will get a prize pack containing a gift certificate (most likely from Manticore Books downtown), a coffee cup/mug, book bag and journal
- TOP SECRET Volunteer project
- Volunteers: Abby, Konnor, Betty (?), Mavis, Cassie, Ashley (?)
- Need to find someone to hand out/pass on flyers to ODCDI (Abby) & PF (Alex B
- Need volunteers to help out with family Christmas craft day, duties include helping with the ugly Christmas sweater workshop, children’s crafts, etc…
- Volunteers: Abby (?), Mavis , Betty
- Lindsey will be going to twin lakes with Dale from LGBTQA group to hand out buttons, flyers, and chocolate… to promote Library Programming
- Volunteers: Kassandra Neubrand, Mavis Choo (?)
- A young author in our area (only 19 years old) would like to do a youth writing workshop with us! Does it bring interest? (Yes).
- Still need to decide dates and etc…